CBI calls for post-lockdown roadmap


Feb 3, 2021

The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has called on the Government to work with firms to publish a roadmap out of the latest COVID-19 lockdown in England.

With the Government set to publish its exit strategy in late February, the CBI has said it is already consulting its members regarding the best strategy to reopen the UK economy safely.
The CBI has identified at least six elements to help businesses prepare for the reopening, which include confirming what is considered low, medium and high risk economic activity, deciding whether or not there will be a return to the tiering systems, and thinking about how regular testing mass testing in the workplace would be conducted.

The business group is also calling for “clear parameters” for determining which economic support measures should stay in place and for how long.

Tony Danker, CBI director-general, said:

“There is a huge appetite among businesses to help the Government create and deliver a roadmap out of lockdown that lasts, has national consensus and kickstarts our economic recovery as 2021 unfolds.

“Businesses are currently completely in the dark when planning for the weeks and months ahead and this is hindering investment. We can provide more clarity and do the prep work now to enable them to plan for reopening and growth.”

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